Here we meet again on your favorite wedding photography blog. Today I will show you the fresh preview from the last weekend wonderfull and intimate wedding in Schloss Vollrads Germany. You know the couple from my last post with their engagement photo shoot. This time it was their big day. As usual I meet first with the groom while the bride is still by hair and makeup. He was so relaxed and cool! Together with his brother and his best friend they drank some Japanese whiskey, laughed and had a good time. I was so curios about the Japanese whiskey so I gave it a try – it was quite good so next time I go shopping I will add this to my drinks collection (it’s just a collection – I really don’t drink that much :)) . But in the meantime our lovely bride arrived – she was so lovely!
After we took the “Bride getting ready photos” we headed to the Schloss Vollrads for the ceremony. We arrived a bit earlier so I had time to do a little location scouting before the ceremony. The garden where the open air ceremony took place was amazing. Right in the middle there was a wonderful arch with flowers. Everybody was impatient to see the bride!
Finally she arrived led by her father – she was stunning! The ceremony began with a beautiful song sang by a very talentated girl then the celebrant told as a bit about how they met . The speech was funny, sometimes emotional. The party could now begin but just after a photo session in the castle’s garden. By the party they said me that they will have sparklers and it was the first time for me to shoot those sparklers, I even prepared some shots but unfortunately they used all the sparklers by the first shot. So next time I will have some spare sparklers in my car!
Ok, that’s it with the story for today, I will let you now see the photos and until next time take care!
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