Hello dear friends here you have a new destination wedding at Bodensee in Wasserburg am Bodensee. This wedding was two days long, almost three. The first day was the civil marriage and a short party on a ship on the lake followed by a trip in Austria at Bregenz. The second day was the wedding at the Hotel Grier in Wasserburg am Bodensee and the second day in the morning we had a small photo session in Lindau.
I woke up very early to be in time for the civil marriage and luckily the traffic was ok I even arrived a bit early. Yes it was a summer day but in Germany, especially at Bodensee the weather change very fast. So yes, it rained a lot. Luckily, at some important moments and later that day, the rain stopped. After the ceremony we headed to the harbor where a ship was waiting to bring us to Bregenz Austria. The trip was fun, we even had time to do some photos on the deck with the amazing Lindau in the backround.
After arriving in Bregenz we went to the cable car who brought us on the top of the Pfänder Mountain. From where we could see the beautiful panorama with Bodensee… if there would have been no clouds! But yes, unfortunately there was a thick fog everywhere, we could barely see anything 30 m in front of us. But there was some photos opportunities so I quickly snapped some portraits in the beautiful forest.
Day2 – The destination wedding in Wasserburg am Bodensee
The second day was exactly the opposite, there was sun shining the whole day for this destination wedding at Bodensee in Wasserburg am Bodensee! After the getting ready photos where I could make a champagne bath, we walked to the hills where was the smallest church I have ever photographed . It was so small an beautiful. I quickly agreed with the priest that he should stay on the right and I will stay on the left (there was no other way for me to be able to photograph, only from the altar). After the emotional ceremony we had a little time for a small photo session in the full summer strong sun.
After that the wedding party could start! There was a small wedding party but this tipe of weddings I love the most. Small and intimate weddings where all guests know each other and are good friends. They danced, drank, sang , jumped .. did I say danced? At the sunset I stole once again the couple for a few photos near the church.
Day 3 – Photo session in Lindau at Bodensee
Even though the party lasted till late in the night, the couple was waiting for me just in time at 7 o’clock in the hotel lobby. We drove to Lindau where we had about an hour for the photoshoot.
Viel Spaß jetzt mit den Fotos und bis bald!
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